Satin dress

by - September 05, 2022

Musela jsem Vám ukázat tyhle nádherný šaty z Femmeluxe. Už se těším až budu mít příležitost si je někam vzít! Boty mám od Larenafashion, tak mrkněte. Má fakt krásný boty.

Co vy holky, odvážily byste se na takový outfit?

I had to show you this beautiful dress from Femmeluxe. I can't wait to wear them somewhere! My shoes are from larenafashion, so take a look at her website. She has really nice shoes. 

What about you girls, would you dare to wear such an outfit?

                                               / Women’s loungewear sets / Little black dress / White midi dress / Ripped jeans

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1 komentářů

  1. That ruched satin dress from Femme Luxe looks extremely fashionable and pretty being showcased by you! You look stunningly beautiful wearing it.
    Your hair, eyeshadow, mascara and lipstick all look extremely pretty.

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